Friday, July 31, 2009


Unemployment and ehh, now what?

OK that's me now officially unemployed, my contract with Clydebank College has now ended so I'm now as they say "back on the job market". I have to say the College could not have picked a worse time to make me redundant given the credit crunch and current climate, but hopefully I will be able to find something pretty soon. I actually don't mind being employed for a bit as its good to have your own sense of freedom and not have to answer phones or do typing etc, but after a bit it becomes a bit impractical and you need to think of money. So I'll see what turns up....

On the bright side in regards to the Patter rehearsals for Abigail's Party they are coming along very nicely and its also been good to keep busy with the acting as I've become unemployed. So we've pretty much got Act 1 and 2 worked out for blocking and lines are pretty much all learnt, it just remains to polish things up and get use to working with props, get our costumes sorted out etc, and soon hopefully we will all be set.

OK if you are not a fan of tech stuff skip this bit, even better just don't read it if you are a technophobe:

On a different note I recently splurged some money (well from my last wages, and thankfully Pixmania did refund me at last!!) on a new LCD TV, I've been agonising over this for the last couple of months as I hastily purchased a Panasonic 32" LCD TV back at the end of May, and while it was a very good I was quite disappointed in its peformance with black levels, meaning the TV couldn't handle darkly lit scenes in movies or TV shows very well. LCDs cos they are backlit with such bright panels can have a tendency to bleed some colour out so in darker scenes you can be left with a tinge of greyness round the edges, and with the Panny it had wall to wall greyness in the dark scenes, when someone walked across the screen in a dark scene the picture would go from black to misty grey! OK this all makes me sound like a nerdy technophile and to extent that's true (I own up!!) most people wouldn't really care about such matters and neither should I, but all the same, I decided to hunt for something better. So after much hunting and scouring the net and shops, I opted for an LG (again), my previous TV was an LG so I figured why not go for them again, so I got a very nice 32" LG 32LH7000 set, which I'm happy to say has been great, the colours, detail and yes those dreaded blacks are all excellent, and its a very good all rounder for SD and HD sources. So I can sit and revel in Blu-ray and DVD heaven once again. (OK nerd mode off).

Anyway I'm off just now once again, time to watch some Hellboy II on Blu-ray.... :-)

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