Thursday, July 23, 2009


In Pixmania we trust???????

Well, I've learnt a rather hard lesson over the past couple of weeks as I had ordered a new LCD TV from the online conglomerate that is Pixmania. To be honest when I received the TV I wasn't as happy with it picture quality wise as I'd hope to be so I decided to return the TV to the seller (Giant Buyer who sell on Pixmania's site) and try and get a refund. This has been almost 2 weeks ago, since then I have not been refunded, I have since phoned the seller Giant Buyer who claimed they have processed the refund and requested this to Pixmania last Friday there. However when I contacted Pixmania one of their costumer care (or care-less!) reps said that as Giant Buyer were the sellers that Pixmania could not take any responsibility for the refund or the order!! So I am naturally rather pissed about all this, I feel Pixmania who had taken the money from my account themselves, have totally swindled me here!! I have never come across an organisation such as this who can get away with daylight robbery, their behaviour in this matter has been utterly reprehensible. I am utterly disgusted and sickened by their conduct in regards to this problem.

So I am now down over £500 on the deal, and have sent Pixmania a rather strong email requesting a refund or I will take the matter further. I probably won't get my money back though as I've seen from this forum page and others that Pixmania have got a history of robbing people of their money. Here is a link to one of them which shows many thoroughly cheesed off and abused buyers who didn't get their money back:

So if anyone reads this blog entry, please consider this a careful warning: DO NOT I repeat DO NOT use Pixmania, they are a bunch of money grubbing, backstabbing, untrustworthy bastards! Nuff said.

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