Sunday, May 10, 2009


Return of the bugs and Apprentice ep 7

Well well well (3 wells!) just when you thought it was safe to go out into the world again low and behold I've been feeling bugsy again over the weekend, its not the same viral symptoms as last time, weak arms and legs with rash on my tongue, no its morely upset tummy and muzzy head and slightly weak limbs. To be honest I think I've just been feeling run down after all my hectic activity of late with my acting classes/group work and going out etc. That's the only downside to my acting is that after all the rehearsing for a show and after you perform you usually feel pretty drained once its over, especially after doing the Tom Stoppard double bill in February I was totally done in! (as was Scott who did it the other show then too). So I've actually decided to stop being a couch potato so much and have ordered myself an exercise bike, so that way I can actually try and build up some energy after work nights so that way I'm not so zombied at nights, we'll see how that works out!

Anyway on another subject having watched Apprentice episode 7, thought I'd post up about it. It was another very enjoyable episode, this time the two teams had to travel North to Liverpool and sell two chosen products to stores. The task had mixed success as Empire lead by Mona did very well on their sales with over £4000, while Ignite lead by Lorraine did rather poorly with only sales of over £1400. In the boardroom Lorraine received a bashing not only from Sir Alan but also from Philip and Kate who were on her team who didn't sell a single thing (Lorraine was actually responsible for most of the sales in her team!). But after much slinging and slagging Sir Alan finally made up his mind and fired Philip because of his arrogant cocky attitude, which I think was the most deserved firing yet, Philip didn't know when to keep his mouth shut, he didn't listen to criticism and most of all he didn't listen to Lorraine. Lorraine was Philip's nemesis all along, but he really did bring it upon himself by purely being arrogant and thinking he was better than everyone else (which he wasn't!). Lorraine was skating on thin ice as well though as she clearly alienated the other people in her team apart from Ben and Yasmina (although they did have a run in over who would take control of the sales pitch). But she did sell well and she has the weird sixth sense of being right especially when other people are wrong. Kate on the other hand also showed no loyalties toward anyone, as she even went as far as going against her seemed ally Philip by criticising his performance in the task, as well as denying that they had a relationship (which is debatable based on the footage). So even though she's pretty effective lady (and pretty of course!) we'll need to watch out for her. Ah wellie well!

Anyways look forward to the next one.....

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