Monday, April 27, 2009


Apprentice ep 5 andddd the Citz!

Well tomorrow (well) I start my first night class at the Citizen Theatre, I missed the first one last week cos I was still feeling a bit bugsy and under the weather so this week I feel better so I'm going to give it a go tomorrow. The tutor will be a Leann O'Kasi, so it will nice to have the opportunity to work with someone different for a change, rather than the old tutorial crowd (Iain, "yeahhhh", Bill, "stand up straight, Kenny!"). Its only the level 1 beginners level, and although I've had extensive class experience (well not to sound big headed but I have!) I've heard that there will be people at different levels of experience in the class so it should be fun and interesting to see how it goes tomorrow.

Anyhow more on that tomorrow night, tonight I thought I'd blog up on the latest episode of The Apprentice which was very entertaining stuff. The task saw the two teams having to come up with the idea for a breakfast TV commercial, complete with breakfast cereal, packaging, and a filmed advert. Ignite lead by New Yorker contest Kimberley, came up with the naff (or pants) idea of a superhero called Pantsman who tells kids to pull up their pants in the morning and put them on the right way by eating their cereal "Wake up call". The other team Empire (lead by the lovely and efficient Kate) came up with the idea for a Teasure themed TV add, the cereal was called Treasure Flakes and featured the portly Ben in the pirate outfit! To be honest the packaging for the Treasure Flakes was far better but ironically their advert was poor, on the Wake up call side the advert itself was very good but the packaging for the cereal was rubbish as it seemed to leave out alot of the information. In the end Sir Alan being the client had to make the decision once the advertising experts had given their opinions.

In the boardroom Sir Alan chose Empire as the winners (with James on the winning side for once! To be honest I'm starting to like this guy) and Ignite as the losers with Kim choosing to take Lorraine (who was highly critical throughout the task) and Philip (who was highly arrogant and cocky throughout, but made the biggest contribution) back into the boardroom. Now I don't much care for Philip, I think he's a cocky smug overbearing git, but he did raise a good point? Why do they keep letting the quiet, useless ones pass under the radar again and again? Mainly I mean Noorul, who did absolutely nothing once again! (Except wear the Pantsman outfit which required him to do nothing but move about a bit!). But clearly I think Sir Alan did choose correctly in firing Kimberley, she was a bit hypocritical and her marketing expertise could have won her the task but in the end it made her lose it. Lorraine on the other hand was very bitchy but I think she had good enough reason because no one would listen to her!

Anyways that's enough Apprenticing, we'll see what happens next week....

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