Monday, January 26, 2009


RSMAD workshop

Well (noticed quite often how most of my entries start with "well") I had the RSAMD workshop with Bill Wright the other day which introduced us to some new group members for the next Patter Merchants. It was a voice workshop so it was quite enjoyable but also quite intense aswell, as Bill really made us push our voices from high notes to low, which I found somewhat uncomfortable to do. Bill had already told us some students are known to cry when doing this exercise because of the power of the voice and the emotions rise out of them (so to speak) although no one in our group did cry, although I did laugh a few times myself. Apart from that we also did some breathing techniqes and got a massage too (not from Bill of course!). Although I have to say it was an interesting workshop I'm not sure if we would use these techniques in any of our performances or scenes but it would intruiging to see some more of this stuff later on maybe.

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