Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Spare time? Yes I remember that now. Oh and nearly Christmas.

Welly well, after all that slogging and acting stuff that's been going its now left with me with plenty of spare time and to be honest I'm quite glad to get a breather from doing anymore for now. But on the other hand I kind of miss being busy with it too in a strange way, nonetheless a break is a good thing. I only wish I had a longer break from my work just now as it feels like such a chore to get up in the mornings and going into the place just now, coh! Which I have to say is one thing that doing the acting this year so much (and getting to perform) makes me not want to work a day-job!

I don't blog much about work and with good reason cos its fekkin dull, working in admin I have to say is a waste of time (or my time anyway), but I guess we all have to make ends meet somehow or other (one of our acting tutors for example in their spare time does DIY jobs for people, at least I think they do). Thankfully we are getting close to Christmas and I'll be 2 weeks off from the place, all things considered working at Clydebank College isn't all that bad, I've worked in worse places.

Anywayysss, now that we are getting closer to Christmas I've managed to get some shopping in already, praise the lord for the Internet as it really helps cutting down on waiting in shops or rooting round trying to find stuff you can't get. So apart from that over Christmas it'll be the usual fare of sitting on one's ass and eating a lot of crap (and food). I will of course quite keenly be watching the Doctor Who Christmas special and hope its better than that cack fest that was on last year, it almost certainly couldn't be worse. I also think that it would be great to see if David Morrissey or someone like him took up the Doctor mantle as I think he'd make a really good Doctor, he has right look for the part, not to mention he's a damn good actor. It will be good to see the return of the Cybermen too on this one, with new types of Cybermen, Cybershade and the CyberKing (he can do anything, well maybe).

On a final note I went and saw The Changeling at the pics on Sunday there, the latest Clint Eastwood film and I have to say I really wasn't that impressed by it. Angelina Jolie plays the part of a mother who's son goes missing, months later the police locate a boy who claims to be her son but when she meets him she is adamant that it isn't him and she continues to press the police into finding her actual son, so the Police take matters into their hands and lock her up in a psychiatric hospital to avoid any public embarassment. I don't know what it is about Clint Eastwood's films as a director, I've never really been impressed by them, A Perfect World was not bad (with Kev Costner) but overlong, Unforgiven was totally overrated in my humble opinion and this is much in the same vein. I don't deny that the performances were impressive especially Angelina Jolie despite her gorgeous looks, somehow seemed to totally fit into that period look (there are scenes though where she looks totally pale and ghostly!). The overall tone of the film was very grim but that was appropriate to the film's themes, but I just felt it was a rather hollow, heavy going experience. Not really my cuppa tea. In short in terms of references to pieces of art of the same name I much prefer the Simple Minds song. ;-)

Ah well on a different and yes final (finally!) note, I've got some Christmas lunches/dinners coming up and so looking forward to them, the first one being in work tomorrow, so bring the food on, and then the hols and then Christmas.

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