Sunday, October 26, 2008


Radio active! Oh and Patter Merchant update

Welly well... its been a while since I've giving an update on my acting activities so thought I would blog about it (I may have more to blog about tonight at this rate!).

On the Radio Theatre Group front things have been going pretty well so far, Bruce Downie the director of the theatre group has been good to work with and is quite encouraging and also quite helpful in providing ideas on how to play the characters. Its also nice to see that the small cast (just four of us well five if you include James Keenan, but he'll come in later) are all a really nice pleasant bunch (so no divas or prima donnas in sight thankfully!). Its also been quite an interesting learning process on developing the voice and getting the right character voices for the scenes and its a good because the rehearsals are really starting to come on (we'll have two more next week). In the play we are working on Sorry, Wrong Number! I only have two characters to play, the killer and a Western Union Man (both roles couldn't be more different!) but its been great to be involved in it so far. So Sorry, Wrong Number! will be on live at the Ramshorn Theatre this Wednesday coming at 1.15pm, so I'm really looking forward to it, its more acting experience at any rate, and Bruce will record the live show so I'll get to hear how good/bad I will be!

Anyways onto the Patter Merchants, which to be honest has been a bit of struggle this time round, certainly not as much fun, mainly because of the difficulty involved in choosing appropriate scenes (that Herr Bill will approve of! No offence Bill!). But also because one of our group (Barry) has barely kept in touch and he has only showed up for one class so far and myself and Wilma were supposed to be each doing a scene with him but he has been impossible to contact as we have sent him dozens of emails and texts with no reply (why do people do that??!! Its a real peeve of mine). So if Barry doesn't show tonight then Wilma and I will have to move on and try and work on another scene together. My other scene with Felicity (or Fliss as she prefers) has been going well so far and is shaping up so that's something I guess.

Anyways that's enough reporting for now, more will follow later in the week...

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