Saturday, October 04, 2008


Killing Joke and (wait for it...) MORE classes!

On Thursday night I went to see Killing Joke at the ABC (this is the 4th gig I'll have seen at the ABC this year! Which means all the gigs I've seen this year were at the ABC) and I'm pleased they were bloody good. I don't know a vast amount of their material but thankfully I managed to recognise most of the songs they played and they sure did a great set. Gaz Coleman the lead singer is a really good front man, albeit he does look pretty scary with that make-up on, a cross between Beetlejuice and The Joker (and maybe a little bit of Marilyn Manson). The audience I have to say was a bit of strange one too, loads of guys in their late 40's and early 50's by the looks of it, some goths of course and even some guys wearing leather jackets dancing away as if they were listening to ska (or something else!). Overall though it was easily one of the best gigs I've seen this year, Killing Joke were excellent.

Oh and guess what? Yes I shall be doing MORE acting classes, starting on Monday I'll be doing a new set with one of our previous tutors Iain McAleese, who has been very good to work with so I think it will be a case of bringing our own suggested scenes to the group (Iain will provide some too should we need them, which I might!). However the Patter Merchants group is proving a bit more difficult this time round, mainly because we have to choose our own scenes too and it is a bit tricky trying to find something suitable. We will all have to do our own little bit to pitch in to help Scott with organising certain things which is fine as it will help take some pressure off the organising for him. Anyway the next Patter Merchants peformances will be in late November so I'm hoping it will go as well as the last set did. Depending on how this one goes I doubt there will be another one until next year anyway (and if there is another after this one I will definitely take a break I think for some breathing space). But its all infront of us for now, so we'll see how it goes.

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