Sunday, October 19, 2008


All things DO happen at once! (so it seems!)

I've got a few more developments to mention about my current "acting" career and it looks like things are starting to get a bit busy in that department. As you may or may not know (or those who wittle away time reading this blog may know) I'm currently doing acting classes that will lead up to another Patter Merchants performance in late November, and in addition to this I'm also doing some more classes with Iain McAleese on Monday nights (which have been fun, tomorrow night we will do a ensemble piece from Brecht). And last week I got a reply from Bruce Downie who runs the Radio Theatre Group who has offered me smaller roles in two of his radio plays! As part of their Suspense season the RTG will be doing 3 old radio plays. So naturally I'm a bit excited by all this but it does seem all things definitely do happen at once.

The Radio Theatre Group has been something I've been trying to find out and get into for a while so I'm quite chuffed to get to be a part of it, it also means I'll get to peform live at the Ramshorn Theatre (a bit of a step up from Gramofon's small space! gulp!) with script in hand and performing with an old fashioned radio mic. I will have 3 nightly rehearsals this week and 2 next week for the first radio play, so I kind of know to what expect as I previously had audtioned round at Bruce's flat (where the rehearsals will take place). The roles as I said are smaller ones but fairly sizeable nonetheless so I'm looking forward to making a start on them. So we'll see how it goes, at any rate its more acting experience and that's what counts. I'll post up more details as they follow and as our rehearsals progress. So in the meantime stay alert and we'll keep you in.... suspense!!!

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