Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Gramofon looms...

Well my performances at the Gramofon Bistro are definitely looming now as tomorrow night I shall take the small stage (or space) and perform my scene, gulp! To be honest though despite the nerves I am really looking forward to this, it should hopefully be a good laugh for everyone involved (and hopefully not too painful for our audience!). Tonight our group will have its final rehearsal (also a dress rehearsal!) up at Lansdowne Church, which is fine but its a pity we couldn't use the Gramofon venue but sadly it shuts early tonight so it wouldn't be practical to use. So I'll see how we get on tonight, so far the scene is coming along fine, but I will keep schtoom in regards to what its about. Whatever happens it should be a laugh (with emphasis on the word "should"). Ah well cue the black velvet curtain...

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