Sunday, July 06, 2008


It isn't easy being a Time Lord

The finale of the fourth season of Doctor Who, Journey's End, was a pretty solid and entertaining episode although I would hardly say it was magnificent but it was nice to see all the companions finally meet up with one another. But I did have a few problems with this episode, mainly the exposition again from David Tennan was rattled off very quickly, so you'd need to rewind to try and catch it, I also had a hard time trying to follow all the gobbledegook from Davros aswell and what the "reality bomb" actually did to the humans. I don't know if Russell T Davies just delights in confusing his audience but he certainly does do a good job of it. As usual I have to rely on Wikipedia to decipher half the stuff that's in the plot! The Donna Doctor thing from the Ood episode did finally also pay off but I felt it was just a bit naff how big a deal they make of it at the end, that this one woman who was a big loudmouth who by her own admission couldn't wire a plug, could be so important, with the Doctor saying "in planets all around the universe they are singing songs about her". Come on.

However there were plenty of good things about this episode aswell, I enjoyed watching the "human" grown version of the Doctor make his entrance, which was very funny with a startled Donna watching the naked new human Doctor, she says "You're naked!" and the Doctor replies "Oh yes!". Julian Bleach did a fine job as Davros despite not reaching the perfectly modulated heights of hysteria and madness that Michael Wisher brough to the role in Genesis of the Daleks. Also I found the end of the episode very compelling and at the same quite poignant as all the companions say their farewells, and Donna with her (PLOT SPOILER) newly binded Time Lord DNA in her head killing her as its simply too much for one human to deal with. So the Doctor takes her back home and wipes her mind of any memory of the Doctor and her travels with him as reawakening those memories would spark off her Time Lord DNA again and kill her. It was the first companion since Zoe and Jamie (back in the Patrick Troughton days) who's had to have their memories erased, so even though Donna was back to her original self absorbed shrill self, she would never remembered all the good she had done as the new and improved Donna throughout the season. So it was kind of sad to see, although it does get a bit schmaltzy at the end between Bernard Cribbins (as Donna's father) and the Doctor at the end.

Ah well that's another season over, overall this was a rather good one, again though there were some episodes better than others, but it was mainly very entertaining. The casting of Catherine Tate actually turned out to be the season's biggest success as she really surprised me with her dramatic acting abilities, which actually outweigh her talents as a comedian. So it would be great to see her do some drama in the future rather than just duff comedy (OK to be fair I liked her in Big Train). So that's it until Christmas, where we'll get another special, this time with the Cybermen! I just hope its better than that turd fest we got last year with Kylie Minogue (she definitely wouldn't get an OBE for that!!).

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