Saturday, June 21, 2008



Having just recently watched the 10th episode of Doctor Who, Midnight, I'm struggling to fathom what it was actually all about?? The Doctor and Donna go to the lovely idyllic looking planet Midnight, where Donna decides to chill out at the baths and the Doctor goes on a shuttle ride over the planet, but as usual things go horribly awry on the flight, as an unknown outside influence tries make its way into the ship.

This episode was to be a fair a good change of pace, with the Doctor and Donna separated from each other for most of it, and also no TARDIS aswell. But I really did struggle to get to grips with what it was actually about, the outside evil influence whatever it was, was never identified and where did it come from? What did it have to kill the crewmembers and try and absorb them? I understand being Dr Who evil always has to be afoot and has to do something but in this episode it just wasn't clear what was going on. So by the end I was somewhat baffled and a bit annoyed again by the lack of explanation or exposition, there seems to be a fair bit of that in this year's episodes. Its good to have a bit of mystery but to honest if the mystery ends up just confounding then why bother? Achhh anyway, the next episode Turn Left, looks really promising and sees the return of a familiar blonde haired campanion: Rose.

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