Sunday, April 06, 2008


Partners in Crime

Well the first episode of the fourth new series of Doctor Who got off to a fairly decent start and thankfully allayed a few of my fears regarding Catherine Tate.

The set up of the episode was actually quite good fun with Donna and The Doctor at the start both independently investigating the Adipose corporation, who specialise in selling capsules that help with weight loss (literally!) and they don't even know they are both doing it until later on. The adipose themselves were hardly a menacing alien and to be honest not really a villain, the real villain was of course Sarah Lancashire who played the evil wet nurse that was using adipose for other purposes. The main appeal of the episode was of course not so much that Catherine Tate was in it, but that they managed to re-write her character enough to make her more likeable than before as she is no longer the shrill loud mouthed harpie she was in the Christmas special. Donna is now looking for something more purposeful with her life having met the Doctor, something which pretty much all his companions have done after their short time with him, so its a nice touch to see someone who was a brief companion be affected by him that in that way. I also liked the surprising bit towards the end of the episode which will leave the viewers guessing as to how it happened.

So the teaming up of David Tennant and Catherine Tate thankfully and hopefully doesn't look too bad after all and Russell T Davies does deserve some credit for re-writing Donna's character so it will remain to be seen how the next 12 episodes will go, but hopefully they will be just as enjoyable.

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