Thursday, March 20, 2008


Doctor Who the new series!

Good news, just read that Doctor Who will grace our screens again for its fourth series starting on Saturday 5 April. I read the first episode is called Partners in crime and will re-introduce Catherine Tate as Donna Noble from the 2006's Christmas Special story. I must admit I'm a bit concerned at the notion of Catherine Tate being cast as a full time companion as it could really bring the wrong kind of tone to the show and make it excessively campy or comedic, I'm hoping this isn't the case but it could well be. It will be equally annoying if she continues ranting and raving like she did in the Christmas special as it will make for a difficult 13 episodes to watch (in that case hopefully the daleks will get her eh?!). Although the good news is all the other companions will come back, Jack, Martha and even Rose Tyler! So it will be quite a busy series but whether it will be a successful one or not remains to be seen. Watch this (time and) space....

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