Monday, February 04, 2008


Wabbidy wabid its Febwuawy

Well I was off work today feeling a bit under the weather, my legs and arms feel weighed down like lead balloons so to speak, so when it came to getting up and going to work time I could hardly lift myself out of my bed. I haven't been doing any exertive stuff lately so I'm guessing its some kind of bug that is on the go just now which I've picked up, I have heard in previous weeks a few people in my work mention about having something like it so I guess that's what it might be, so I'll just need to keep at the water and paracetemols and see how I feel.

On a different note (and before feeling like this) I went and finally saw No Country For Old Men, which was pretty good, also rather intense and creepy in places. The cast were all pretty good, Josh Brolin did a very good Burt Reynolds in Deliverence type performance, Tommy Lee Jones effortlessly did the old wisened Sherriff, and the surprise turn came from Kelly MacDonald, who affected a very good Southern accent (perhaps she might be up for Oscars!). I can't of course forget to mention the chilling performance from Javier Bardem, who plays the "human" version of the Terminator and racks a fair body count by the end of the picture. A few people have said that the end of the film was someone strange and left some things unresolved which I can sort of see but I happen to think the ending is fitting.

Anyways back to some water and paracetemols.

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