Sunday, February 17, 2008


Bye bye HD DVD??

Well I've just read on the web that HD DVD could be kissing itself goodbye as Toshiba are on the verge of pulling the plug on the format, Toshiba have been the main manfacturer of HD DVD players and now it looks like even they are jumping ship. HD DVD has already lost backers on the disc front as Warner have dropped out and gone over to the Blu-Ray format as have HBO too (I think who are owned by Warner). So could this be the end of the HD DVD format? Maybe.

Either way I'm not going to buy anymore HD DVD discs for now, seems a waste of time, I guess once the format has gone kaput and gone the way of Betamax, we will have to sell all this stuff on ebay. Seems a shame, why have a format war in the first place? Why don't we just have one format and use that one anyway?! Achhhh well that's the latest news anyway on HD formats. Until then I'll stick with decent ol DVD.

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