Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Papypal issue sorted (no longer hate them) and other things

Well I managed to get my Paypal problem sorted, the payment had in fact gone to another Papypal account I had created under my hotmail account (as opposed to my yahoo one) a couple of years ago (which I haven't really used since and had completely forgotten the password). So my payment is in place, horrayyy, or rather yahoooo!

On a different news item, Acting 4 started last week and it was a really good fun class, although it did rank as one of the most physically exhausting ones yet, as we did more running round and crazy warm/games than before. But as I said it was good fun, the new tutor, John Gilmour, seems like a decent enough chap with a refreshing approach to acting, i.e. cut the bullshit and keep it natural. So I look forward to tomorrow night's class and see what craziness we will get up to. The only snag though is the classes are now held in the Weir building further down the road from the usual Graham Hills building, so its a bigger, heftier walk up the stairs, but it is a bigger room, so that's better for losing yourself in (literally and metaphorically).

On a separate note I've decided I really must get back to the cinema this weekend and see something, preferably No Country for Old Men or even I Am Leg-end. Which is another thing as quite a few of my fellow acting thesps are heavy movie go-ers and I feel I'm falling behind in the picture watching stakes (OK so its not a competition!) but I do fancy seeing something.

On that note that is all.... for now.

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