Tuesday, September 18, 2007


A further note to the techie nerds (like me)

PC technie nerd warning: Don't read this if you don't like PC tech stuff. But feel free to read it.

Well well well, further to my last blog post, turns out the noise I was banging on about all along was the graphics card after all, and not the chipset fan (although that was the whirring noise!). But as it turns out I think the culprit behind the noisy mother was really the power supply, which I've been using of late, a cheap Q-TEC one now those who know their Power Supplies will know that in a word: Q-TEC don't have a good reputation, in fact most people think they suck ass.

And to an extent I think they are right as I used to get a number of cheap PSU's from an old PC retailer and they were also QTEC and they didnt work. Although I have an old faithful one (rated 550 watts) which does work well enough, but the PCI-Express graphics card definitely noisies up more with it, I guess because it is a cheap PSU which doesn't dissipate heat well, and yes one day it may just blow up my system, so guess I don't want that to happen, especially as I've just got a new board fitted and everything seems to be rosy again, well for now.

So finally I've put back in my more powerful and stable OCZ Game XStream power supply (which I bought with my latest graphics card anyway) and the PC runs much quieter now with games. Anyway as an amusing footnote to this whole problem look at what one young guy thought of Q-TEC on youtube (he gives them a kicking so to speak!):


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