Sunday, May 06, 2007


The Lazarus Experiment

The Lazarus Experiment was another very entertaining story in this season of Doctor Who so far, with the Doctor taking Martha back to her home just a day after he whisked her away in the TARDIS. And there is more news afoot on the TV as an aging scientist Dr Lazarus (Mark Gatiss, great) says he will perform a "miracle" and will change what it it means to be human. At the event of course Martha is reunited with her family (and her mum is very suspicious of the Doctor, as always!). But as usual after Lazarus's experiment things go horribly wrong.

This was another fine story, really enjoyable although I must admit towards the end the Doctor's solution (plot spoiler!) in using a giant organ to defeat a big beastie seems a bit naff, it seems to be the recurring theme of the series this year, using massive sonic booms to distract or defeat enemies. Next year we could probably expect Russell T Davies to start blaring out the Pet Shop Boys or Elton John at full volume or something to ward off the Cybermen or Daleks.

All the same though the cast were really good in the show, Freema's actual life mother, was pretty good as the suspicious mother who slaps the Doctor prompting the best line from David Tennant ("Why is it always the mothers?!"). Mark Gatiss is always watchable and his Dr Lazarus was very entertaining, I wonder how he transformed so well into that big beastie ;)

Anyway because of the Eurovision Pong Contest next week Dr Who won't be on TV (damn!) so it'll be back in another 2 weeks time with the (perhaps) Douglas Adams influenced title 42.

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