Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Dispondency Tree Protocol, Polling and acting and HD DVD kapoot

Well I had a go at the final exam for CCNA Semester 3 tonight and I failed it by 4% (66% is what I got so you can do the math for the pass mark) so I'm a bit bummed out by that. Hey ho, but to be honest I haven't really given myself enough time to do the exam as there's been distractions a plenty as usual, but thankfully I will be sitting it again next week and will be determined to do better this time round...

On a more positive note I'm back to my acting class tomorrow night so hopefully most of the old class will have returned for more, funnily enough it coincides with General Election night, so I don't have a scooby who to vote for really, and personally I don't really much care either. From what I gather you now have to select out of three candidates the most likely you would vote for, perahps I should just write on it "none of them they are all twats" or words to that effect.

On yet another note my Xbox HD DVD drive packed in working at the weekend as I wont play HD DVD discs at all when they are inserted, thankfully I've managed to return the drive to the ebay seller I bought it from and they willing to make an exchange. Only annoying thing is I would like to watch some of the movies I've purchased but can't achhh damn! Time to play the waiting game again then.

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