Tuesday, May 29, 2007


A day in Edina

Went to old Edinbrugh the other day for the bank holiday and it was a pleasurable change from mulling round the house of a day (like I do on most bank holidays! Well the weather usually isn't in our favour). And thankfully the weather held pretty well too all things considered, but it was nice to get back there as its been a wee while for me (almost 3 years!).

So I went with a friend of mine Stephen, my cousin and my brother, so as we were taking directions from the more experienced Edinbrugh meister, my cousin, we ended up wandering round the National art gallery and the Historical museum (both pretty good I must say). Although my cousin did boast that he could paint a lot better than some of the artists who's works were up in the gallery! So after a couple of eateries and several rounds of drinks later we headed home again. So a good day all round, of course going back to work today made it all seem like a distant memory, as being surrounded by a bunch of blathering lecturers and neddy students isn't the best of things to put up with. To top it off my contract is due to end at the end of July and they won't renew it, instead they might get me back in for the new term for a point 5 position. So probably better consider getting something else. Ah well, that bar in Edinburgh did say in the window "Staff wanted". Hmmm.... lol.

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