Monday, March 26, 2007


Acting hiatus and Who

Well that's my Art of Acting 1 over for now, it was a real good last class to finish on, so I'm kind of sad to see the back of it for now, but I am going to carry on and do Art of Acting 2, and the good thing is most of the people will be returning to it as well so be nice to see some familiar faces again. So that won't be until May, in the meantime guess I will keep myself occupied with Cisco studies among other things, although Cisco certainly isn't as much fun, I much rather recite some funny lines than read about Spanning Tree Protocol just now any day.

The good news is of course that Doctor Who is about to start again on Beeb 1, I hope this series is a bit tauter than the last one as series 2 was entertaining but it was very patchy in places, there were definitely some episodes they could have lost (still beats Torchwood by a mile imho though). But it hopefully looks quite promising the new companion Martha Jones should also provide us with a nice bit of female eye candy, and prove that she can impress us more than she did with her all too brief cameo in Army of Ghosts. Well one way or another we'll find out this Saturday at 7pm.

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