Monday, February 26, 2007


Well done Marty!

I was pleased to hear that at long last Martin Scorsese finally won an Academy Award at the Oscars last night, as he's had a long struggle with the Academy over the past 30 years to get one. Despite the fact his films are generally vastly superior to most of the films that win oscars over his (namely Ordinary People and Dances of Wolves which both won over Raging Bull and Goodfellas) the Academy has never really cared for Marty for some reason. I think its basically because most of the time he doesn't make films about good people, his films are generally all about unpleasant, weird, or unconventional people, also probably because of his penchant for graphic violence and major use of profanity aswell. The Departed, which he won for last night best Director and Picture, isn't one of his world best films imho, but it is pretty damn good by Scorsese's standard, and beats the crap out of Bringing out the Dead any day. So well done Marty.

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