Friday, February 09, 2007


Entered the new blog? Acting 2

Well I downloaded the new blog and well it looks the same. I guess that's ok so I don't have to search around and look for things that use to be there (so thankfully its not like Microsoft!).

All the same I've been getting some comments from Mozilla firefox lot, saying, you're blog is very good bla bla bla, why not try our browser etc. Well I'm already using this browser, so the comment is pretty redundant (and automated I guess).

Anyway on a different note, I had my second acting class last night and it went fairly well, we did our usual (or rather unusual) exercises, running round the room to start, then getting into single file and swarming behind one another as a group doing silly moves, and then we huddled into a group while one person would act as a volume controller, and we would use the vowels to make sounds, quietly and loudly. Well it is a bit unusual. The best bit was when we had to act out a death scene in 60 seconds, so me and another fellow actor (lol) pretended to be brothers rowing over a will and he poisoned my coffee (as you do). Anyway guess I'll have to wait until next week to see what craziness we get next.

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