Monday, December 25, 2006


Running away

Well I've just watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special, Runaway Bride, which I must say I thoroughly enjoyed. Catherine Tate though I admit was somewhat annoying for half of the episode until she finally stopped yelling at and slapping the Doctor, but she does eventually calm down and gives flashes of charm in between the loud cockney bits. David Tennant is still good as ever as the Doctor, in fact it really was his show and no one stole it from him, it also nicely covered (although in a shallow way) his feelings of loss over Rose.

The special effects were again pretty impressive and the TARDIS chasing after Donna's cab was one of the highlights of the episode. Sarah Parrish (who I must admit to never having heard of before this) was also really good as the Racnoss Queen.

The teaser trailer for Season 3 also looked very promising not to mention the footage of the rather tasty looking Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones, the Doctor's new companion (whom she apparently has a crush on when she first meets him).

Anyway it was certainly one of the main televisual highlights of the Christmas season so far and sure beats repeats of old Christmas films and the latest dreary installment of Eastenders. So Happy Crimble everyone.

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