Tuesday, July 11, 2006


People like us?

I manage to get a copy (albeit a poor quality one) of the somewhat cult documentary TV Show, People Like Us Series 2 , off of E-bay, as you can't get it here on DVD just now. For those who saw the first series, its much the same, with Chris Langham playing the always out of sight documentary film maker, Roy Mallard, who bumbles his way through his interviews, asking silly questions and making situations ever more awkward and worse for the person he interviews.

Thankfully the second series is just as much a breath of comedic fresh air as the first one was, as Chris Langham brilliantly chops up sentences in his narration and delivers them wonderfully such examples are "For Peter this just one day out of many more than that", "Paul's job is to look into the treatment and causes of artificial intelligence" "Jenny who is on maternity leave, has to take her baby to the nursery, which not easy as she has been up for nearly eleven months". There are many more of course.

I was also interested to see a pre-Doctor Who stardom, David Tennant appeared in this series as well as struggling actor who only gets bit parts doing radio and tv adverts and makes a muck of nearly every audtion he goes to.

Its a great show overall and in some ways was superior to The Office, which only took the documentary approach for a small office, as this show took it for society in general and showed how silly the average joe public could be. So well worth a watch if you can get your hands on it.

You can get the first series off of play here:


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